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  • Writer's pictureRosa Dooley

Michael's Israel Trip Journal

First day in Israel. Arrived at Tel Aviv airport at around ten and found way to Nazareth by train and bus , when arriving in Nazareth I went to the church of Annunciation,. It was very big and beautiful but found it all quite blasphemous, all the pictures of Mary so I didn't stay long. I started on the Jesus trail and what a big mission that was! I ended up walking around 4 km on the freeway then jumped across to the forest ,continued walking in the forest until I popped out in an olive plantation then I met a man there. He said I was welcome to sleep in the field where his olive trees were , that was around 4:30 and the sun was setting , I was happy with that because my feet needed a rest . I have found a spot and now going to pray and get some rest until the morning and then I'll continue the Jesus trail. From zippora. Day 2 I woke up throughout the night but wasn't too cold. I managed to still have good sleep and prayer , the roosters started crowing at 3 and made me think of Peter then the mosque started at 430 , then I arose packed up my little camp and started walking , again. I was lost so a bus came that was going to Zippor. I jumped on, went there, walked around, more looking for the trail and still.could not find. Then all of a sudden I realised I didn't have my pouch that had my phone passport wallet money , and panic hit me. I quickly turned around and went back to the bus where I knew he was coming back in about 1 hr30min. I had no peace thinking what is happening. Then I took the bible and started to read psalm 119 where the Lord took me. I prayed LORD I need a miracle and peace and the Lord gave me both. The bus came back but no bag. Then the driver said he saw the bag sitting on the seat when he drove past a police drove past and I quickly went up ,where I met 4 nice people. I was offered a beautiful coffee, they were managing the election as it was happening today so nothing open in town, it is a public holiday. Then, a man made a few calls and located the bag that was still there and another lady who had voted offered to drive me. I see why all this happened. Now when I prayed for her, she said she had a lot of problems and needed prayer. So then I got out at another bus stop , I've decided not to walk as I'm just not finding the track and I'll catch a bus to Tiberius and start a new journey around the sea of Galilee, I really need a shower too so might stay somewhere tonight. So hallelujah after the bus ride I found a little blanket and an amazing coffe , then went for a swim in the sea of Galilee and it was refreshing after not having a shower for 2 days and walking about 10hrs .

Then after the swim I began to walk again walking a few km to Mt able where I walked a little over half way up and found a flat area where it looked good for the night it's about 3 pm now so having time in the word and prayer reading the stories around Galilee it's so amazing and special, you just fell close to God and can almost see it take place. And haven't had anything to eat since the airport and God has given me.grave to not feel hungry at all. Day 3 After waking up to a wild heard of pigs boar I slept pretty well waking up a few times throughout the night but each time prayed and fell.asleep again , Woke up and got up at 4 spent time in praying for isreal , the weather is amazing its the perfect temp and the seeing the sunrise over Galilee is the best thing I've ever seen , this truly is the most beautiful place on earth and I'm.not just saying it. Just thinking weather to go to capernam walking or back to Tiberius and catch a bus , I'm a but hungry and I know there is lots of shops and good coffe in Tiberius the time now is 6am What a day led by the Holy Spirit , so after getting up I decided to climb the mountain, I had no idea how big it was when I stared and after about an hour I was thinking wether or not to return , but.i felt the Holy Spirit say no turning back so I continued it seemed to never end buy praise God I finally made it and found many groups of people up there , I sat with an American group who had an awsom pastor sharing on what happened on the mountain and history around it , so thankful the Holy Spirit is leading and got me there just on time , it is said that could of been the mountain that the Lord gave the great commission, the beatitudes and possibly feed the 5000. Was blessed then scaled down the cliff with them to find myself hungry and hot , so I jumped on the first bus and it was going to Tiberius. After getting there I found the coffee shop thT made awsom coffe got one and had a pitter bread with beef, seriously good. Then I felt to continue so jumped on a bus going to capurnum , missed the stop and ended up doing a hour long sight seeing tour up through the mountains was nice because I also got to message Rosa. On the return jumped out at Mt beatitudes run by the Catholics it was nice but very commercial but still nice didn't stay long as I had a long walk to capernum when arriving the city was closed so I did t know what to do I.was in the middle of nowhere, but I saw Gods hand and he led me back 10 minutes to a beautiful beach where I had a swim and rested and slept , woke up through the night a fre times but very pleasant sleep. Day 4 Arose about 430 prayer and meditation watched the sun come up so so beautiful had a wash and did some clothes , then really felt the Lord say go for a swim so I had the biggest best swim ever right next to where Jesus would of called the disciples it truly is a special trip and I'm seeing Gods hamd in it in a caring way looking after me each step , it's now 930 and I'm about to pack up and head into capurnam the Town of Jesus as it's known Herr, it's a tourist town so only open through the day. It's now 130and I'm sitting by the sea um capernum it's spectacular to see many many tour groups coming through and catching boats out on the sea , I'm really sensing the Lord wants me to learn lead by His voice , I was going to head back to Tiberius but the Lord said everything i need is hear He seems taking me to beautiful spots and I'm.sure all these spots were visited by Jesus and the disciples. It was funny earlier on the way out of the little village in capernum i met a girl and she asked me what is happening in there , she has lives in isreal her whole life and doesn't know about this being Jesus place of ministry there were 8 massive buses and hundreds of people in there and a major tourist attraction for all pilgrims but ita amazing how the locals have no idea about it yet its 10 min from Tiberius and on the sea of Galilee. It's just blowing me away how so many people have no idea about Jesus yet millions of people each year come to isreal to see where He went. 5pm well the Lord os really teaching me I see so glad I listened as when I finally got into the restaurant for lunch they surprised me by bringing a player that would do about 6 people was totally blown away absolutely beautiful feast , I think because I had to wait Bout an hour and a half which I was totally ok with because I was able to sit and read the bible on the shore where the disciples would of been many times. After lunch I then began the walk again after 3 or 4km I came to a beautiful beach and camping area where there were a few people camping and relaxing I took the opportunity to go for a swim just delightful the view is looking over the golan heights mountains . Now I'm lying on my mattress watching heaps of mozies fly around me so I think there going to try and feast tonight ,plan is to wake up early and start to walk see how far I can make it. Truly have seen the hamd of God this whole trip. Day 5 Awoke and left around 6 following the trail around the sea after a while I came to a place that wasn't clear but felt to go left half way again I felt to go back but the HS just prompted me to continue after a while I came to a film set and wondered what's going on here the , it turns out it's a site being uncoverd they say is bethsaida wow and yesterday the Lord highlighted that place to me at the last camp , was able to speak to the head arciologist and he gave me a wonderful history and why thy think this is the place after , this place is out of the way and I thank God he led me here this is so special the it's about 6th century the church that was dedicated to the Chief Apostle snd the heavenly beings. Have had a good look around now I'm going to go and find the right path. Hallelujah This is out of control after walking and wondering why am I hear Lord I met a man from australia Bill Hogeson from crew a dear friend of Earl Roberts who has been trying to conect me with for years and I met him hear at bethsaida in Isreal , God is truly blowing my mind. After a long walk I decided to catch a taxi that was passing back to Tiberius then grabbed some food just befor Sabbath and all shops shut walked along to find a nice beach where ill spend the next 2 days I think befor going to Jerusalem , the water here is so good for swimming. Day 6 Woke up by the sea of Galilee to a beautiful sunrise and a purring cat This is a day of rest haven't been Into town but I'm.told nothing is open, have been for two big swims already snd it's just 11 , have all cloths washed and dried. The Lord really put it on heart to read a.gosple today so I'm 13 chapters into the book of John and its totally different reading it by the sea of Galilee, just being able to.see where all this took place , building excitement for Jerusalem . Well the Lord has done it this time , I remember this morning thinking in my heart it's a day of rest and don't expect Godnto do anything great but He had different plans. The morning was to lunch was great had 2 swims picked up 2 bags of rubbish from the beach dryer all cloths and read the book of John . At about 12 people started coming to the beach and I.was so happy it was clean for them I mean after all this is the sea of Galilee where Jesus spent 70% of His ministry. At about 1 I left for town about a 30 min walk it was nice because it was Sabbath and no shops were open I just got to take my time and see the town , I wandered down to the water front when just as I got there a man walking pasted stoped and started talking to me after a few minutes we looked for a seat and sat to talk It was great the Lord led me to the man of peace in the city , we shared and then he shared a revelation on resurrection power and uses the woman with the issue of blood and then the young girl who couldn't touch the garment who was dead and needed resurrection power , yes it was the message the Lord wanted me to hear , He then invited me.back to the apartment he is staying which is called shalom center a ministry center that is full of the peace of God and His presence. What a wonderful evening of fellowship prayer and worship we broke bread and I was greatly encouraged. I really didn't expect God to be so.kind and gracious to me to have the night with His servant a comfy bed a warm shower and good fellowship. Of to bed now and tomorrow will catch a bus to Jerusalem. Day 7 What a morning Had heavenly dreams very powerful Arose at 430 and sat on the balcony and prayed and read the book.of philipians then after breakfast Paul prayed a Father's blessing over me it was so powerful and prophetic , it was the answer to many prayes I've made a great shift happening and did happen with a correcting of direction a mighty might prayer and blessing. It was the reason I was there for that blessing. Now it's 1010 am and I'm on a bus going to Jerusalem 2hr bus ride but so much excitement and anticipation for what the Lord has preparing A few things I have noticed there are cats everywhere and dogs are also popular and many people have isreal flags hanging outside. The fish love to jump out of the water The sea of Galilee has amazing ecustics The temperature is perfect in and out of the water The people who fish usually have about 4 rods each There is historical sites everywhere and the ones who care the most are Christians This is the most beautiful place on earth

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